Healing the World one treatment at a time
Welcome to Essential Energies
Located in Poole in Dorset, Essential Energies by Esther operates from a charming wooden chalet in my garden. The chalet is my dedicated healing space, and delivers comfort, security and peace.
As a qualified Shamanic Practitioner, Gong Practitioner, and a certified Reiki Master, I offer a variety of Healings to realise, release and unblock stuck and unwanted energy. Most of the Healings I offer encourage you to be involved in the healing process which is both powerful and empowering.
Shamanic Journeys and Angel & Oracle Card Readings are a wonderful way to receive guidance and direction. Whilst the AromaTouch Technique can help with the release of unwanted energies and is pure relaxation.
Essential Energies by Esther is ready and waiting to welcome you on your journey.
Coming Soon
Courses and workshops that are coming in 2025.
Watch here or follow my Facebook page for Event releases.
Smudging Workshop
An in depth 2.5 hour workshop exploring the how, where, why, and when of smudging. Price to include your own smudge kit to take home.
Date: TBC
£44 investment